
What is Causing Your Stress?

These days life is full of frustrations, deadlines, and more demands on our time than ever before.

For many it seems that stress has simply become a way of life. Under certain circumstance stress can be helpful. It can motivate you to your best, perform under pressure, and keep you safe if you are in physical danger. Stress however becomes a problem when it seems to be part of your everyday life and you are finding yourself feeling like you just can’t handle all the demands placed upon you. If not managed properly stress can damage your health; impact your relationships, and your overall quality of life.

Stress is a natural response to some kind of threat or demand.

When you feel like you are being threatened or there are overwhelming demands being placed on you, your nervous system responds. Stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are released, which enable your body to respond to the threat. If you were in physical danger this helps you to deal with the situation. As a result your heart beats faster, blood pressure rises, your breath quickens and senses are heightened.

This “fight or flight” response is your body’s way of keeping you safe. This response helps you deal with the impending danger. It allows you to be focused, provides you energy and allows you to remain alert. Of course if you need to do a presentation or write an exam being alert and focused can be helpful. If there is an emergency these responses may potentially save your life as you slam on the brakes or swerve to avoid a serious accident while driving.

Since our nervous system responds to emotional stress (worry, overwhelm, negative self-talk, etc.) in the same was as it responds to physical stress, the impact of stress to our well-being can be significant. Pro-longed stress increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. It can cause headaches, fatigue, poor sleep; exacerbate existing heath conditions and much more. Stress impacts behavior and in many cases leads some people to overeat, smoke, develop bad habits such as nail biting, abuse substances and/or withdraw socially. Simply put, left unchecked stress can be detrimental.

So… what can you do about it?

The good news is that you can change the way you respond to stressful situations in your life. When clients come to see us they learn how to change their state of mind. Through the use of hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming techniques you can learn how to respond to stressful situations in resourceful ways too. We can’t necessarily change the demands upon us but we can certainly change how we respond.

Take a look at our Stress Management page to see how others have achieved success in managing their stress with the use of hypnosis.

To see if hypnosis is right for you, give us a call today at 519-830-6060 for your FREE screening. Your health depends on it!


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