
Same New Year’s Resolution as Last Year?

So… here we are and another January 1st has come and gone…

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, quit smoking or perhaps make another change in your life?  Maybe you have a fear or habit that you wish to finally overcome.  Do you make the same resolution year after year only to find you are off to a great start and then somehow you fall off the wagon?  Maybe you lasted a day, week or even a month before you threw in the towel.  It is frustrating to want to make changes in your life and yet not achieve success.  You are not alone.  Research shows that only 8% of people are able to keep their New Year’s resolutions.

Although you have good intentions, success is not based solely on good intentions.

Success is very much about what you choose to focus on, the actions you take and aligning your beliefs and attitudes with your goal.  We often find that the best of intentions don’t happen because people allow themselves to get distracted or come up with all kinds of reasons why they can’t follow through; “my boss needs me”, “the kids need me”, “my knees hurt”.  Before long the best of intentions become a distant memory.  Does this sound familiar?  Other times someone will have a bad day; fill their head with negative thoughts and then give-up instead of accepting it and getting back on track.  Bad days are actually a great way to get feedback and learn from.  These are just a few examples of how people are often get derailed and end up not achieving the success they were looking for.  Consciously, you know what you want but somehow you keep sabotaging yourself.

What are you doing automatically?

Many of the things we do automatically like turning to food or smoking when stressed, irritating habits or getting nervous in certain situations are automatic responses. It just seems to happen.  In these moments it is our unconscious mind that is responsible these reactions.  They are automatic.  Rationally you know it is not healthy to smoke, overeat or drink to relieve stress and yet somehow you find yourself doing it again and again.  Using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques to help you change the things you do automatically will help you achieve success with your desired goals.

Learning to change your state of mind can be easy with the help of a certified hypnotist.

Professionally guided one-on-one hypnosis sessions help you develop new attitudes and beliefs which allow you to achieve success with your goals.  Willpower is at a conscious level; however your unconsciousness mind is responsible for many of the things you do automatically.  This means the change really needs to happen at the unconscious level.

Isn’t it time you finally stop making the same New Year’s resolution over and over again?  Hypnosis may be answer.  You owe it to yourself to explore hypnosis as the solution for you.

At Guelph Hypnosis Works we offer a free hypnotic screening!

The screening is fun and informative and an opportunity for you to learn more about hypnosis and how it can help you.  All your questions will be answered.  If for any reason we don’t believe this is right for you we will tell you.   Why wait?  Call 519-830-6060 and find out how hypnosis can benefit you and support your decision to make your change and achieve success!


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